www.google.image.comFood DeductionA blog I created to commit myself to losing weight. This goal will change my way of life. How I eat and what I eat. The activities I will indulge in will aslo vary like from inactive to a comprehensive one. From tomorrow,
December 5 of 2005, I am totally committing myself to a strict diet. A diet I will create to balance my food intake and my life as well. The last time I achieved my goal of loosing weight, I always say to myself everything I encounter an irresistible dish, "
there's still tomorrow", ha, that's true, when I remember that I automatically can just say NO and I can pass that temptation.
Food Deduction means the bad habits I will omit to gain more strength and loose weight. I believe that it is only
habits that makes us decide on life. If we feel that we are ready to achieve something, you just make that split second decision and go for it. So guys, come and join me as I explore this area of myself. I want you to be a part of this.
WEIGHT: 170 POUNDS: Pilot goal
:160 POUNDSI admit that in the family I am the most conscious person to whatever I eat. Or if ever I will fully indulge, I would automatically go back to my strict diet the nest day. It works. When I want to make things happen , it does happen. Obscures, when I had jig's, I gained more than this weight-as high as 210 pounds. Yes, its frustrating, that is why the day I gave birth to Jiggy, that's May 7th of 2003, the next day, I decided to be a
fake vegan. Haha, that is the term I use beacuse I still cheat. For instance on a buffet, I would pretend that I will just eat veggies and fruits my dressing would be a
heart attack mayo-based dressing.